Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

 From an early age Pier Giorgio exhibited a great devotion to God and love of others, especially the poor. Someone who sets out to discover the heart of a saint is bound to find a fascinating individual who stands out. One of the traits found in genuinely holy...
St. Edmund Campion

St. Edmund Campion

He was offered his freedom, many privileges and wealth if he would only renounce his Catholicism, but he declined and was tortured mercilessly. Edmund Campion was born in 1540 in Henry VIII’s enthusiastically Protestant England. He became one of Oxford’s best scholars...
Our Special Friends

Our Special Friends

On a crowded train home to Cork recently I was sitting with three teenagers. They were talking about their names and mentioned that they had another name, a confirmation name. One of the girls who was not Irish asked what that was. “It’s a thing you get when you are...
The North American Martyrs

The North American Martyrs

Singleness of purpose. So might someone paraphrase the early Jesuit spirit. Everything was put at the disposal of the Jesuit’s singular purpose as laid out in the Spiritual Exercises’ First Principle and Foundation: “to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and...